Фатех Вергасов
гипертекстовая версия
Reader: Please settle an argument. Who invented the vibrator, Hitachi or General Electric? — C.C., Bellevue, Washington.

Neither: The honor goes to two unsung, and unwitting, 19th Century sexual heroes, an American, D,: George Taylor and Joseph Mortimer Granville, both of whom considered their inventions medical instruments, not sex toys. During the Victorian era, sexual deprivation caused half to three-quarters of women to suffer "hysteria" (Greek for uterus), which caused anxiety, irritability, distraction, sexual fantasies and "excessive" vaginal lubrication. Physicians treated hysteria by manually massaging women's vulvas until they experienced relief through "paroxysm" (orgasm). During the 18th and early 19th centuries, health spa physicians began offering hysterical women treatment with pressurized water jets, the forerunner of the shower massagers many women use for masturbation today.
Then, in the 1860s, Dr. Taylor introduced a coal-fired, steam-powered massage device that worked but was expensive and not at all portable. Two decades later, when batteries became powerful enough to operate small appliances, Granville modified Taylor's cumbersome rudimentary vibrator into his more compact "percuteur" a muscle massager for men that he considered "morally indefensible" for use on women.
But doctors ignored him and used it extensively for treatment of hysteria. As the Victorian era gave way to the Roaring Twenties, vibrators stopped being marketed just to doctors for treatment of hysteria and became household massagers.
The 1918 Sears Roebuck catalog offered one for $5.95, calling it an aid "every woman appreciates". Of course, the device's sexual purpose remained camouflaged behind the euphemism of massager.
Sex-toy catalogs promote vibrators for masturbation and couple fun, but today, major catalogs and department stores continue to market the same vibrators disguised as massagers.
PlayBoy, September 1992

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Mar 10, 1803 Jun 24, 1902
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