Фатех Вергасов
Abraham Harold Maslow - Абрахам Харольд Маслоу
Вергасов Фатех. Maslow Аbraham Harold - Абрахам Харольд Маслоу
Гейгер Г. Об Абрахаме Маслоу и его последних работах
Степанов Сергей. Абрахам Маслоу. Биография

Маслоу А.Х. Высшие устремления человеческой природы
Маслоу А.Х. Мотивация и личность
Маслоу А.Х. Новые рубежи человеческой природы - The farther Research of Human Nature
Маслоу А.Х. Пиковые переживания
Маслоу А.Х. Психология бытия
Маслоу А.Х. Самоактуализация
Маслоу А.Х. Теория человеческой мотивации
Маслоу А.Х. Эупсихологический метод управления

Основные публикации
1937 Chapter on cross-cultural psychology. Ross Stagner (ed). In The Psychology of Personality
1942 The Social Personality Inventory: A Test for Self Esteem in Women. Consulting Psychologists Press
1943 A theory of human motivation. Psychological review, 50,370-396
1943 The dynamics of personality organization I and II. Psychological Review, 50,541-558
1951 Principals of Abnormal Psychology. Harper and Row (with B. Mittelman). (Rev..edn, 1951.)
1951 Volunteer-error in the Kinsey study, co-authored with J. Sakoda. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47,259-262
1954 Motivation and Personality. Harper and Row. (Rev. edn, 1970)
1959 New Knowledge in Human Values. Harper and Row
1962 Toward a Psychology of Being. Van Nostrand. (2nd edn, 1968)
1964 Religion, Values and Peak Experiences (Lectures). Ohaio Stete University Press
1965 Eupsychian Management: A Journal. Irwin, Illinois
1966 The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance. Harper and Row, New York
1970 Religions, values and peak-experiences, Viking Press, New York
1971 The farther Research of Human Nature. Viking Press, New York
1971 Humanistic Psychology: interview with Maslow, Murphy and Rogers, Merrill, Ohio
1973 Dominance, self-esteem, self-actualization: germinal papers of A.H. Maslow Ed. by Richard J. Lowry, Monterey, СА

Maslow A.H. Individual psychology and the social behavior of monkeys and apes // International Journal of Individual Psychology 1935. 1. P. 47-59.
Maslow A.H. The role of dominance in the social and sexual behavior of infrahuman primates. I: Observations at Vilas Park Zoo // Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1936. 48. P. 261-277.
Maslow A.H. The determination of hierarchy in pairs and in groups // Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1936. 49. P. 161-198
Maslow A.H. A theory of sexual behavior of infrahuman primates // Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1936, 48. P. 310-338.
Maslow A.H. The comparative approach to social behavior // Social Forces. 1937. 15. P. 487-490.
Maslow A.H. Dominance-feeling, behavior and status // Psychological Review. 1937. 44. P. 404-420.
Maslow A.H. Dominance-feeling, personality and social behavior in women // Journal of Social Psychology. 1939. 10. P. 3-39.
Maslow A.H. Dominance-quality and social behavior in infrahuman primates // Journal of Social Psychology. 1940. 11. Р. 313-324.
Maslow A.H. A test for dominance-feeling (self-esteem) in college women // Journal of Social Psychology. 1940.. 12. P. 255-270.
Maslow A.H. The Social Personality Inventory for College Women. Palo Alto (Calif.): Consulting Psychologists Press, 1942.
Maslow A.H. Self-esteem (dominance-feeling) and sexuality in women // Journal of Social Psychology. 1942. 16. P. 259-294.
Maslow A.H. The authoritarian character structure // Journal of Social Psychology. 1943.. 18. P. 401-411.
Maslow A.H. Resistance to acculturation // Journal of Social Issues. 1951. 7. P. 26-29.
Maslow A.H. Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper & Bros., 1954. (Rev. ed., 1970.)
Maslow A.H. Power relationships and patterns of personal development // Problems of Power in American Democracy / A.Kornhauser (ed.). Detroit (Mich.): Wayne University Press, 1957.
Maslow A.H. (ed.). New Knowledge in Human Values. New York: Harper & Row, 1959.
Maslow A.H. Comments on Skinner's attitude to science // Daedalus, 1961. 90. P. 572-573.
Maslow A.H. Eupsychia — the good society // Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1961. 1. P. 1-11.
Maslow A.H. Some frontier problems in mental health // Personality Theory and Counseling Practice / A.Combs (ed.). Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1961.
Maslow A.H. Toward a Psychology of Being. Princeton (N.J.): Van Nostrand, 1962. (Rev. ed., 1968.)
Maslow A.H. Lessons from the peak experiences // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1963. 68. P. 111-124.
Maslow A.H. The need to know and the fear of knowing // Journal of General Psychology. 1963. 68. P. 111-124.
Maslow A.H. Further notes on the Psychology of Being // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1963. 3. P. 120-135.
Maslow A.H. Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences. Columbus (Ohio): Ohio State University Press, 1964; Paperback ed. New York: The Viking Press, 1970.
Maslow A.H. Further notes on the Psychology of Being // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1964. 4. P. 45-58. Maslow A.H. Eupsychian Management: A Journal. Homewood (III.): Irwin-Dorsey, 1965.
Maslow A.H. The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.
Maslow A.H. Comments on Dr.Frankl's paper // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1966. 6. P. 107-112.
Maslow A.H., Flanzbaum S. An experimental determination of the dominance-behavior syndrome // Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1936. 48. P. 278-309.
Maslow A.H., Mittelmann B. Principles of Abnormal Psychology. New York: Harper & Bros., 1941.

Гейгер Г. Об Абрахаме Маслоу и его последних работах
Goble F. (1970) The Third Force: The Psychology of Abraham Maslow. Grossman.
Hoffman E. (1988) The Right to be Human: A Biography of Abraham Maslow. St. Marten's.
Lowry R. J. (ed) (1973) Dominance Self-Esteem and Self-Actualization: Germinal Papers of A. H. Maslow. Brooks/Cole. (ed.)

Гобл Ф. Третья сила: Психология Абрахама Маслоу (главы из книги):
1. Историческая перспектива
2. Третья сила
3. Изучение самоактуализации
4. Теория базовых потребностей
5. Человеческий потенциал
6. Психологический рост
7. Воспитание с позиций Третьей силы

