Fatekh Vergasov
e-mail from Bob O'Keefe, Lieutenant of California Highway Patrol

From: "Bob OKeefe" <BOKeefe@chp.ca.gov>
Date: February 14,20124:54:49 PM PST

To: <vergassovl@yahoo.com>

Subject: Hit and Run follow-up

Hello Mr. Vergasov,

I am in charge of field operations for the Redwood City CHP Area. Your concerns have been forwarded to me. First of all, I apologize if you received any conflicting information regarding the status of the incident you were involved in. The case is still open and the investigation is ongoing. Your recent e-mails were the first that I or the area commander have received involving this incident. The officer assigned to conduct the follow-up, Officer Jeremy Cox, will be contacting you at the phone number you provided within the next day to obtain some additional information. In the interim please feel free to contact Officer Cox or myself at the number listed below.


Bob O'Keefe, Lieutenant
California Highway Patro
Redwood City Area - 330
355 Convention Way
Redwood City, Ca
. 94063

