Фатех Вергасов

Jerome Seymour Bruner - Джером Сеймур Брунер
Jerome Seymour Bruner - Джером Сеймур Брунер1915 - 01 октября. Нью-Йорк. День рождения
1917 - Перенес операцию на глазах в связи с катарактой
1927 - Смерть отца
1937 - Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, 27708. Бакалавр (ВА)
1939 - Гарвардский университет. Магистр (МА)
1941 - Гарвардский университет. Докторская степень (PhD). (Doctoral thesis was entitled "A Psychological Analysis of International Radio Broadcasts of Belligerent Nations")
1941 - Вступил в United States Army's Intelligence Corps, где занимался вопросами пропаганды
1943 - Издатель Public Opinion Quarterly
1945 - Профессор психологии Гарвардского университета
1960 - Один из создателей и руководитель Center for Cognitive Studies
1964 - Президент The American Psychological Association
1972 - На собственном паруснике пересек Атлантику и стал приглашенным профессором Оксфордского университета
1991 - Профессор New York University School of Law и The New School for Social Research in New York City, e-mail: jerome.bruner@nyu.edu
A colloquy on the unity of learning. Daedalus, 87, 155-165., 1958
A narrative model of self construction. Psyke & Logos, 17(1), 154-170., 1996
A Study of Thinking, 1956
Acts of Meaning
Actual Minds, Possible Worlds
Another look at New Look 1. American Psychologist, 47, 780-783., 1992
Beyond the Information Given
Beyond the Information Given: Studies in the Psychology of Knowing
Child’s Talk: Learning to Use Language
Culture and human development: A new look. Human Development, 33, 344-355., 1990
From communciation to language: A psychological perspective. Cognition, 3, 255-287., 1975
In Search of Mind: Essays in Autobiography (The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Series)
In search of mind: Essays in autobiography. New York: Harper & Row.Bruner, J. S., 1983
Interaction in human development. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Bornstein, M. H., & Bruner, J. S. (Eds.), 1989
Life as narrative. Social Research, 54, 1-17. (Also, in Dyson & Genishi, 1994)., 1987
Making sense: The child's construction of the world. New York: Methuen. Bruner, J., & Haste, H. (Eds.), 1987
Making Stories: Law, Literature, Life
Mandate for the people. New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1944
Minding the Law
Narratives of aging. Journal of Aging Studies, 13(1), 7-9., 1999
Neural mechanisms in perception. Psychological Review, 64, 340-358., 1957
On Knowing: Essays for the Left Hand
On perceptual readiness. Psychological Review, 64, 123-152., 1957
Opinions and personality. New York: John Wiley. Smith, M. B., Bruner, J. S., & White, R. W., 1956
OWI and the American public. Public Opinion Quarterly, 7, 125-138., 1943
Personality under Social Catastrophe: Ninety Life — Histories of the Nazi Revolution, с Allport G.W., Jandorf E.M., „Character and Personality“, 1941, 10
Play: Its Role in Development and Evolution, 1976
Processes of cognitive growth: Infancy (Heinz Werner Lectures). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press, 1968
Public opinion and America's foreign policy. American Sociological Review, 9, 50-56., 1944
Public thinking on post-war problems. Washington, DC: National Planning Association, 1943
Shortwave listening in an Italian community. Public Opinion Quarterly, 5, Bruner, J. S., & Sayre, J., 1941
Social psychology and group processes. Annual Review of Psychology, 1, 119-150., 1950
Studies in Cognitive Growth: A Collaboration at the Center for Cognitive Studies, 1966
Tension and tension-release as organizing factors in perception. Journal of Personality, 15,Bruner, J. S. & Postman, L., 1947
The autobiographical process. Current Sociology, 43, 161-177., 1995
The course of cognitive growth. American Psychology, 19, 1964
The Culture of Education
The dimensions of propaganda:German short-wave broadcasts to America. Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology, 36, 1941
The growth of competence. Oxford, UK: Academic Press. Connolly, K., & Bruner, J. (Eds.), 1974
The growth of mind. American Psychologist, 20, 1007-1017., 1965
The legal and the literary. Yale Review, 90, 42-61., 2002
The Mind of a Mnemonist: A Little Book About a Vast Memory
The Process of Education
The Relevance of Education
Toward a Theory of Instruction
Under Five in Britain (Oxford Preschool Research Project, V0L. 1), 1980
Дж. Брунер. Психология познания. М.: Прогресс, 1977, с. 320

Психология и философия
