If you've
added all the spaces and you need to adjust one or more of them,
open the Properties dialog box; then while stretching a space
with its grips, watch the Area readout until the area is of the
space is what you require. (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Adjusting Spaces via the Properties dialog box and
(click image to enlarge)
9. Check
your walkways to see if they are wide enough. And create another
space style called Walkways.
10. Select
the Modify Spaces icon from the Spaces toolbar.
11. Select
all the offices, the closet, and the kitchen, and press the
Enter key to bring up the Modify Space dialog box.
12. At the
Modify Space dialog box, change the Space Height to 8'-0",
and press OK.
13. Repeat
Steps 10-12, selecting the Reception and Conference room, and
make their heights 9'-0" and 11'-0" respectively.
14. Select
the Convert to Boundaries icon from the Space Boundaries
15. Enter SP
(for space) in the command line, and press Enter.
16. Select
all the spaces, and press Enter to complete the command.
You have
now placed space boundaries around all your spaces.
17. Select
the Modify Boundary icon from the Space Boundaries toolbar.
18. Select
all the space boundaries created in Steps 15 and 16 with a
window selection, and press Enter to bring up the Modify Space
Boundary dialog box.
19. At the
Modify Space Boundary dialog box, select the Solid Form radio
button, and uncheck the Manage Contained Spaces check box (see
Figure 4).

Figure 4: Modifying Space Boundaries.
20. Select
the Properties icon next to the Question Mark icon at the bottom
left of the Modify Space Boundary dialog box to bring up the
Space Boundaries Properties dialog box.
21. In
this dialog box, select the Design Rules tab.
Un-check the Automatically Determine from Spaces check box in
that tab.
23. Select
the Ceiling Stops at Wall radio button, and set the Upper
Extension to 2'-0", and then press the OK button (see
Figure 5). Press the Apply button and close the dialog boxes.
The Space
boundaries are now 2'-0" above the ceiling heights of the

Figure 5: Setting Space Boundary Properties.
(click image to enlarge)

Figure 6: Your basic Space Plan.
(click image to enlarge)
You have now created your basic Space Plan. At this point your
plan is still conceptual, and as in all space planning, the
spaces will vary somewhat from the program. The beauty of
Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3 is that you can now easily
modify and refine your plan using your grips and dialog boxes.
In the
next article, we will adjust and refine this plan, and quickly
convert it into a construction document.