Now let's
look at the space plan in section view. Here's how.
Activate the Utilities toolbar, and place it in a convenient
spot in the drawing area.
Working in the Top View, select the Documentation >
Documentation Content > Section Marks, which brings up the
Design Center dialog box. Left-click, hold, and drag Section
Mark A1 into your drawing.
Release the mouse button, reclick, and drag the section mark
horizontally across your plan.
19. Click
again to end the section line, and press the Enter key. The Edit
Attributes dialog box appears. Accept the default Section Mark
number by clicking OK. (Normally you would enter the number or
letter you've used to coordinate with your other drawings.)
20. At the
command-line request, Specify side for arrow, drag the section
arrow vertically, and click your mouse button to go to the next
command-line request.
21. When
asked, Add AEC section object?, press Enter to indicate yes,
which also returns you to the drawing.
You have
now placed a Section Object (see Figure 8). There are other ways
to do this, but this method is probably the simplest and

Figure 8: Placing a Section Object.
(click image to enlarge)
22. Select
the Section Object, and right-click to bring up the
context-sensitive menu.
23. Select
the Generate Section option from this menu, which opens the
Generate Section/Elevation dialog box.
24. Select
the 2D/ Elevation Object with Hidden Line Removal radio button,
then select the Pick Point button and pick a point in your
drawing below your space plan.
25. When
the Generate Section/Elevation dialog box returns, select the
Select Objects button and select all your spaces and boundaries
with a window selection, and press the Enter key. When the
Generate Section/Elevation dialog box returns again, click OK to
complete the command.
A detail
section now appears below your space plan. Modify the
plan, and the section will change (see Figure 9).

Figure 9: Detail Section placed below the Space Plan.

Figure 10: Placing doors.
26. Select
any point on the Space boundary, and right-click to bring up the
context- sensitive menu.
27. Select
the Insert option, then the Door option, which opens the Add
Doors dialog box.
28. Place
3' wide doors as shown in Figure 10. Click OK when you're
29. Select
the detail section you placed below your floor plan, and
right-click to bring up the context-sensitive menu.
30. Select
the Update option from the menu, which opens the Generate
Section/Elevation dialog box. When this dialog box appears,
click OK to close the command. The section automatically
Now the
doors appear in the section. Note the doors and doorjambs shown
in the Before and After graphics.
changing ceiling heights and floors; add doors and windows.
Every time you make a change in the plan, and update your
section view, the section view changes to reflect the plan
changes. As you move forward in the design process you will
retain these sections to XREF into your construction documents.
Because Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3 uses intelligent
objects, you can continue to modify your space plan during the
design process. You can Xref the sections to your section page
in your documents; the sections will always illustrate the
latest changes in the base plan.