6. Place a
10'x10'x10' Box Mass Element in the viewport, and press Enter
7. Select
the box shape and right-click.
8. Select
Element Modify from the contextual menu that appears. The Modify
Mass Element dialog box then appears.
9. Change
the Width setting to 80', the Depth to 40', and Height to 9',
then press OK.
10. Change
the viewport from Isometric (default) to Front view.
11. Select
the Array icon, and create a Rectangular Array with the settings
shown in Figure 3. Change the viewport back to SW Isometric

Figure 3: Use the Array command to create multiple floors.
You should
now have an 80' x 40' four-story building (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Array provides a quick way to create a four-story

Figure 5: Using grips, you can easily adjust each box.
12. Select
the Polar button, select the top box in the four-story model,
activate the box's grips, and move it towards the rear of the
four-story model.
13. The
command line now reads STRETCH. Enter 20' on the command line,
and press Enter.
14. Move
down one box, and repeat the process, moving it back 10'. Don't
change the third box.
15. Select
the bottom box, and move it back 10' as well.
You should
now have the form shown in Figure 5.
16. Select
all the boxes and right-click.
17. Select
the Object Viewer from the contextual menu.
18. In the
Object Viewer, press the Gouraud Shaded icon, and the
Perspective icon. Also make sure that you select the SW
Isometric View from the drop- down list (see Figure 6).

Figure 6: Use the Object Viewer to quickly visualize your
Mass Model.
You have created a simple mass model, but they can become very
complex. When you have the mass model you desire, you can use
Autodesk Architectural Desktop Release 3 to quickly convert it
into contract documents.
Next month
we'll take this technique further.