Fatekh Vergasov

Draft of a Contract

Palo Alto, CA                                                                                  

____ __, 2013                                                                                               


Customer: Fatekh Vergasov - Owner-builder of the new-built house at 470 Ruthven Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301-1222, phone # 650-465-3773, e-mail - vergassov1@yahoo.com




Contract: Labor and Materials; Contract acceptance dead date is February 14, 2013, Contract is not transferable to any third party


Contract Subject: Re-sanding and re-finish existing Brazilian cherry HW floor with three coats of water/oil base polyurethane semi-gloss


Price of contract: $_.__ per sq. ft., total - $_______ (___________________and 00/100)


Total preliminary floor area: 1,780 sq. ft. At the end of the job floor area will be re-measured by parties and total price of contract will be corrected accordingly


Extra Services, Materials and Labor: Extras, which may occur will be compensate to Contractor in addition to the price of this Contract, according to the written mutual agreement


Time: Contractor will spend not more than ___ (____) working days in a row (from start to finish) to accomplish his mission by this contract.


Payments: Handling $450 check (10% advance) will make this contract concluded. Final payment - ______ + extras (if any) - upon completion


Equipment: Contractor uses dustless equipment


Other conditions and provisions: In the event of unsolved dispute parties shall act according to the actual Law, Codes and Regulations. Party who lost the case, will pay all collection

costs, Court and attorney's fees. Contractor will get copy of this contract for his file. In the event of "Act of God" (Force Mageure) parties will act according to Law, which regulate such cases.

All additions to the Contract must be done in written form only. Upon completion House must be at the same condition as it was at the Start moment


Warranty: Contractor gives his regular warranty according to existing Law, Codes and Regulation 


Customer                                                               Fatekh Vergasov




Contractor                                                              ______________


