Fatekh Vergasov
Øèêàíà - Ñhicanery - Nuisance - Abuse of personal legal right
A lot of information entities came to national Real Estate market from nowhere recently like mushrooms after rain...
They use to collect, filter, process, create, and distribute data about national Real Estate market...
At first sight, said entities acting like regular neutral Census Bureau... But it is at first sight only...
Knowing true cense of the wisdom of Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics, lets see actually with whom public are dealing with...
Dead right! Since this is a business and not altruistic entity, they possible actual task is "well-organized" Real Estate industry to rule the market, by suppressing competitions and economical interests of both Sellers and Buyers...
If my suppositions are right, people of California are dealing with some kind of information tool of period the cold war...
I am talking specifically about so called evaluation, estimation, rating, appraisal, rating, etc.
Since in California only appraisal business require license, others businesses are just expressing they private opinion regarding this matter
And they have right to do so. But with certain legal limits like a common law tort known as Nuisance
Since actual delict is inter-State or pan American, i.e. national one, this it pure FBI authority to investigate roots of said business...
But who care in this State and Country?

